Wednesday, April 6, 2011


My run today was pretty good. My knee is feeling great, as well, which is definitely a perk. I will admit my calves are a little sore, but that's nothing I can't deal with. I'm pretty happy about how the run went though. I think the calf issue maybe had to do with the pace or the fact that I ran outside and it was kind of chilly. I really enjoy running solo, but I feel like when I go running with someone, I don't let myself make excuses and slow down. So that's a plus. But anyway....

Miles ran: 2 miles
Miles to go: 85 miles :D

Feeling Amazing!

Yesterday's run was probably the best I've had in months! Honestly, it has probably since November of last year that I felt so good after a run. I'm sure plenty of people have a lot of trouble getting back into running after a break, but I must admit that I'm happy I pushed myself back into it because it's been going wonderfully. I was able to run 2 miles at a slightly faster pace than normal, and I felt no aches or pains afterwards (usually I feel some tension in my knees). I'm starting to feel stronger and better, and I can't wait to see and feel more improvements over the next few months. I hope to at least run a 5k sometime this summer or year, and depending on how I'm holding up, I may be able to push myself to a 10k, but that all depends on the condition of the knee, of course.

I definitely felt like I could more than 2 miles yesterday, but I knew I was going to be going running today and tomorrow (and at least one time with a friend of mine) and I didn't want to push my luck. Updates to come.

Miles ran on Tuesday: 2 miles
Miles to go: 87 miles :D