Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mission Accomplished

This blog has definitely been good at motivating me. I had absolutely no drive to go workout today because as much as I love it, I always find it hard to start back up after a lazy break of no exercise. Yet I remembered that I wrote on this blog that I would work out, and sure enough, it guilted me into it. While no one really reads this, the point is that I posted it, people could have read it (potentially), and it made me feel obligated to follow through.

It was too cold to walk up to the full-size gym on campus (and when I say too cold, I really mean "I was too lazy"), so I used the small one in my apartment complex. The tredmills weren't working, which was upsetting since I was really hoping to run today, so instead I opted to use the eliptical for 20minutes and then ride the bike for 15minutes. It was definitely a very short workout for me because I usually exercise for about an hour when I go, but it was enjoyable none the less.

I have a lot of stuff going on with work and classes tomorrow, so I probably won't be going to the gym tomorrow, but I'm definitely going on Thursday and Friday. I'm announcing it on the blogosphere, and I'll be damned if I go back on my word. lol. It's funny how simply writing about this stuff has made me more apt to stay on track.

That's all I really have to say about that. Now it's time for sleep because I'm really trying to improve my sleeping habits, which our currently out of control. I'm just looking to start taking baby-steps towards a healthier me :]

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