Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mission Accomplished

This blog has definitely been good at motivating me. I had absolutely no drive to go workout today because as much as I love it, I always find it hard to start back up after a lazy break of no exercise. Yet I remembered that I wrote on this blog that I would work out, and sure enough, it guilted me into it. While no one really reads this, the point is that I posted it, people could have read it (potentially), and it made me feel obligated to follow through.

It was too cold to walk up to the full-size gym on campus (and when I say too cold, I really mean "I was too lazy"), so I used the small one in my apartment complex. The tredmills weren't working, which was upsetting since I was really hoping to run today, so instead I opted to use the eliptical for 20minutes and then ride the bike for 15minutes. It was definitely a very short workout for me because I usually exercise for about an hour when I go, but it was enjoyable none the less.

I have a lot of stuff going on with work and classes tomorrow, so I probably won't be going to the gym tomorrow, but I'm definitely going on Thursday and Friday. I'm announcing it on the blogosphere, and I'll be damned if I go back on my word. lol. It's funny how simply writing about this stuff has made me more apt to stay on track.

That's all I really have to say about that. Now it's time for sleep because I'm really trying to improve my sleeping habits, which our currently out of control. I'm just looking to start taking baby-steps towards a healthier me :]


So I'm trying to be healthier so I'm going to make a few goals for myself.

  • Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day
  • Eat breakfast everyday and actually take my vitamin after it (I always forget!!)
  • Try to get at least 49 hours of sleep a week
  • Exercise 4 days a week
  • Only one latte a week (must be made with skim)

These are just to start out. Hopefully I'll add to this list as I go on. I need to ease myself back into this whole "healthy" thing. Good news though. I weighed myself today for the first time after the holidays, and I'm only 130.8lbs, which is much better than I thought. Perhaps I'll post my weight on here once a week...although I probably shouldn't weigh myself that much.

Working out later tonight. We'll see how brutal it is considering I've been completely inactive for over a month. That's my update.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I'm officially back at school as of this afternoon. After a long day of unpacking and buying my textbooks ($375! Ouch), I opted not to go to the gym today. My back hurt enough from packing and unpacking the car. I have too many heavy things!

I know that I should workout tomorrow, but it's definitely difficult to get back into the routine. I can easily see myself blowing it off tomorrow, but I'm writing in here so that I may feel some obligation to go. I will work out tomorrow. I will. I'm hoping to get in there after my meeting with my adviser at 9:30am and before my 12pm class. If not then, I'll have to wait until after work at 6pm. We'll see how it goes. I am going to go though. That's for sure.

I'm hoping my iPod will be in working condition then. I just plugged it in and got an interesting error, and I also discovered that it's full :( Nooo! It's doing exactly what I don't want it to do. It's deleting everything. I just messed up (clearly). Well...it's going to be a long night. Well, assuming I can get all my music back on there, I will be running again tomorrow. I definitely feel very driven by music, so it helps push me to my absolute limit. If I can't fix my iPod by then, it's likely I will be doing a much less intense workout (lots of elliptical!). We'll see how it goes.

Here's looking towards a more a fit tomorrow!

Monday, January 11, 2010

And so it begins...

While sitting up at 3am and browsing running forums, I realize just how much I really appreciate having access to a gym while I'm away at college. Since my winter break has begun, I know that I, just as many others, have eaten one too many servings at dinner, 14 more cookies than I intended, and countless other treats that my greedy (and not so little) stomach just can't live without. But before I dive in much deeper to this blog, here's a bit of backgrounded on myself.

I love food. I love carbs. I love sugary sweets. I love it all, but I also love running and exercising in general, and that is why I am here. While I attempted to preemptively exercise all fall in anticipation of the holidays, I somehow have a feeling that my efforts were not enough. lol. I have not weighed myself since I've been home for the holidays (no working scale at home), but who needs numbers when my pants buttons are about to pop off. I usually wear a pair of jeans twice before washing them, but lately I've been wearing them for extended periods of time because they strectch out, making them much more comfortable (thanks a lot stomach!). lol.

I am by no means an all star runner or a heavily overweight person. I'm 20, 5'4" and weighing in at about 135lbs (I'm guessing after all of the amazing food I've consumed these past few weeks). I find it very frustrating that so many women are absolutely terrified of their weight or pants size, many to the point where they will not even weigh themselves. They are merely numbers. To any woman who reads this, I hope you can learn to love yourself for who you are, and if you are unhappy with your weight, you must make serious efforts to change it. So I challenge all women who read this to take the plunge and step on that scale and realize that regardless of what the scale says, you are still the same person. There is no shame in knowing the number. If you are overweight, having knowledge of that number will not make you appear heavier (or slimmer), but rather serve as a wake-up call. Embrace it. Love yourself, live your life, and don't let anything stand in your way (including excuses)!

I understand that not everyone enjoys running, but I have found most people make excuses for themselves. While only 20, I have had my fair-share of medical mishaps which do affect my running. I only have one fully-functioning lung , a weak knee, and exercise induced asthma.The lung damage was thanks to massive scarring as a result of a nearly fatal case of pneumonia during childhood. The knee problem is attributed to a lack of cartiledge between the ball of my knee and the knee cap which has since been corrected, but it limits my running to a max of 5 consequtive miles (it becomes fairly painful by 4 though). My doctor informed me that I will need knee replacement surgery by the time I'm 40, if not sooner. The asthma is just a minor nusciance in comparision. I am by no means looking for sympathy, but rather trying to encourage others to overlook their excuses and giving running (and exercise in general) another try.

I absolutely love working out, and I find it very calming, especially as a stressed out college student. I am looking forward to getting back to the gym once I'm back at school. I have heard from countless people that if you want results (in terms of physical fitness and well-being), that it is always helpful to announce it so that you feel more compelled to follow through. So here I am. I am hoping to primarily use this blog to keep track of how many miles I run this year just out of pure curiosity. My goals for this year: run in at least one 5k (preferably two) and losing weight/toning so that I can proudly wear my bikini this summer.

I encourage anyone else who is an avid runner or has made some kind of resolution this year to lose weight to make a blog as well. Nothing like a digital support system.

That's all for now!